(파이어족, 경제적자유) 2020년 4월 27일 미국 배당금 MAIN 메인스트리트캐피탈 4월 67.88달러
뾰로롱~ 안녕하세요. 경제적자유와 조기은퇴를 꿈꾸는 34세 뽀로롱입니다.
간만에 한국이 아닌 미국땅에서 고이 보내 주신 달러 잘 받을게요.
메인스트리트 말도 많고 탈도 많던 그 분이..개감...
메인스트리트캐피탈(MAIN) 1.86달러
얼마되진 않았지만 배당삭감이 없었군요.
진짜 기업이 어렵지는 않은 지 걱정이군요. 힘들면 안 줘도 되는데 말입죠.
대단한건지 자신감으로 그러는지 모르겠네요ㅠㅠ
기업하나는 탄탄한 듯 합니다. 물론 그래서 샀지만요.
MAIN 화이팅!!
메인스트리트캐피탈 홈페이지 가보니까 가이던스를 올렸네요.
번거롭네요...간단하게 해석했어요~~
(출처 : 메인스트리트캐피탈)
Updated Dividend Guidance
As previously announced, Main Street declared its regular monthly cash dividends for the second quarter of 2020 of $0.615 per share in aggregate, or $0.205 per share for each of April, May and June 2020, and such dividends will be paid on the previously announced payment dates of April 15, 2020, May 15, 2020 and June 15, 2020. Based upon its current expectations and projections, Main Street's management expects that at Main Street's next regularly scheduled Board of Directors ("Board") meetings in May 2020 they will recommend that the Board approve regular monthly cash dividends for the third quarter of 2020 of $0.615 per share in aggregate, unchanged from the regular monthly dividends to be paid in the second quarter of 2020, and with such amount payable in $0.205 increments for each of July, August and September 2020.
전에 이야기 했던것 처럼 우리는 매달 현금 배당하던지 아니면 2분기(4월, 5월 & 6월) 때 0.615달러(즉 3배)를 지급하던지 결정하겠다고 말했다. 상황에 따라 우리 경영진들은 다음5월 이사회 때 규칙적인 월배당을 3분기도 그렇고 4분기도 그렇고 암튼 그렇게 해주라고 요청해 볼 껍니다.
As discussed above, Main Street's business and operating results, and the businesses and operating results of Main Street's portfolio companies, have been significantly impacted by Coronavirus. As a result, there is uncertainty related to Main Street's expected operating results for the second and third quarters of 2020, and as such, Main Street is not currently able to provide projections for its expected NII, DNII or NAV for these future periods. However, it is reasonable to expect that Main Street's NII and DNII for the second and third quarters of 2020 will be below the regular monthly dividend amounts for these periods. As such, the above expected recommendation by Main Street's management team to declare the regular monthly dividends for the third quarter of 2020 is based upon a combination of Main Street's reasonable expectations for its operating results for the second and third quarters of 2020, its estimated undistributed taxable income as of March 31, 2020 of approximately $0.75 per share and, as discussed below, its expectation that the Board will agree to suspend its semi-annual supplemental cash dividends.
위에서 이야기한대로 우리의 사업과 영업결과, 그리고 우리의 사업포트폴리오 영업결과 코로나땜에 쫌 힘들었음. 그래서 2,3분기 영업실적이 생각보다 그랬쪔.
그리고 미래를 예측 못하겠어..코로나땜에..
In addition, due to the challenges and uncertainty created by Coronavirus, Main Street's management team has concluded that it expects to recommend to the Board that Main Street suspend its future semi-annual supplemental dividends, specifically including the supplemental dividend that it previously expected to pay in June 2020. Main Street believes that it is in the best long-term interests of its shareholders to not only maintain a conservative approach to its dividend policy during this volatile economic environment, but to also ensure it has the ability to be opportunistic in funding attractive investments that have the potential to provide long-term value to Main Street's shareholders.
또한 바이러스 땜에 생긴 불확실한 것들로 인해 우리는 보너스로 주던 배당금을 주기 않는게 주주 너희들에게 좋을거라 판단해서 그렇게 생각해..이사회에 그렇게 이야기 할꺼야.
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티스토리 : cotbot.tistory.com/
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